Best Specialist Lender FRA18
01724 86 55 77
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Halloween is the date when we leave the EU and we’d like to assure you they’ll be no ghoulish behaviour coming from the team at HFBS when it comes to bridging finance.

For many the 31st may signal knee jerk reactions to change terms, but take comfort. We will continue to shun bank or other corporate funding to plough our own furrow with significant increases in our private funding lines.

We are pledging now that there will be NO knee jerk reactions from us, NO reducing LTV’s, No increasing rates and definitely NO pulling of our products in the days following an exit. We value our introducers support and will continue to do so.

Here at HFBS we are known for our straight talking, there is never any uncertainty when dealing with us, which is why we want to take this opportunity to put your mind at rest. Go ahead, forward plan with confidence!

HFBS is one of the very first to be involved in bridging finance. We’ve been there and seen it and come out wiser and stronger. Be confident that as a privately funded lender we can make immediate decisions and in most cases complete without the aid of solicitors. HFBS are absolutely dedicated to supporting and building long lasting business relationships now and in the future.