Best Specialist Lender FRA18
01724 86 55 77
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Who We Are

Find out more about the people behind HFBS.

Ian Broadbent

Ian Broadbent

Ian is the managing director and has been in the industry for 34 years. In addition to being the senior decision maker responsibilities include product development, compliance and most importantly introducer support. OH! and he makes the tea.

David Broadbent

David Broadbent

David has been in the consumer finance industry for over 53 years and was a founding member over the Corporation of Finance Brokers. Well respected he has an unrivalled knowledge all things finance related. Responsible for most commercial ,development and bridging loan underwriting.

Alasdair Broadbent

Alasdair Broadbent

Alasdair is very much our newest recruit as the lack of wrinkles will testify! He joins us having pursued an alternative career after obtaining a first-class honours degree in engineering. Not the classic route to finance however he is picking up fast and is excited to hear from you.

Dan Yendall-Collings

Dan Yendall-Collings

Dan is our relative “newbie” having been with us just 22 years, however he is also our most qualified advisor. He has a thorough knowledge of our entire product range and the mandate to make immediate decisions. Usually, the first person to review an enquiry. The ideal person to ring!

Caroline Burgess

Caroline Burgess

Our senior administrator with a mere 33 years of experience! Caroline shares responsibility for the processing, packaging and prompt completion of all application types. Always happy to discuss and update introducers on any case.

Debbie Bee

Debbie Bee

Debbie has been with us for over 34 years. She has sole responsibility for managing relationships with clients post-completion. Liaise with solicitors/brokers and clients regarding the redemption of accounts. Also has the unfortunate task of overseeing legal action, our resident legal expert!

Jean Williams 

Jean Williams 

Whilst Jean is the newest member of our team she was formerly employed by our solicitors and has had a long standing relationship with HFBS assisting in the collection of outstanding accounts. Now doing this ‘in house’. Works closely with Debbie in post completions.