Best Specialist Lender FRA18
01724 86 55 77
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HFBS is primarily a family run lender managing wholly private funds on behalf of a number of wealthy individuals. We make no apology for our old fashioned methods preferring to discuss and agree a deal in a single phone call rather than relying on layers of documentation, individual underwriters and credit committees.

Why Choose Us?

We differ in other ways. We do not advance the more complex deals allowing us to have a very simple, streamlined process which often involves no solicitors.

We can complete quicker and with less cost to your client than any lender in the market.

Looking for something different? Give us a call!

Here are some of our USP’s:

  • No solicitors required on either side in most cases
  • We issue full contracts day 1 allowing the borrower to consider the full terms before proceeding
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd charges considered
  • Advances start at just £5,000 ( up to £250,000 )
  • We will lend where the first mortgagee refuses consent. Commonly referred to as an Equitable Charge
  • No limit to the bad credit considered
  • We consider all security including land, Btl , semi-commercial and commercial
  • No bias on geographical locations in England and Wales
  • Rates, including second charge from 0.95% month
  • No minimum valuation