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Top loan criteria searches performed by brokers has been revealed as “minimum Loans” which is very welcome news for HFBS who specialise in this very specialised form of finance.

Knowledge Bank recently shared its research reporting that the most common criteria searches for regulated bridging had lost its top spot to those searching for minimum loan amount.

Ian Broadbent, director at HFBS says: “This is most definitely welcome news for HFBS, but not a surprise as we have seen a significant rise in enquiries from brokers looking for small loan amounts. The main benefit to our brokers is that our system is designed to avoid the use of solicitors, which significantly reduces costs. From the clients point of view this makes the ‘smaller’ bridge much more viable, and easy for a broker who may otherwise think its more trouble than its worth.”

“Most customers really value our unique way of providing finance and our ethos of providing simple, quick small loans without solicitor involvement. We start from as little as £5,000, once the broker has identified the facility and agreed it with the client we take it from there, and all with a very good kick-back rate for the broker.”

With an average completion taking less than seven days from enquiry to money in the bank, no solicitor involvement, no minimum valuation, and entirely privately funded, no bank mandates, no fixed rules, no default rates. HFBS really mean business.

HFBS offer one the LOWEST second mortgage rates in the bridging finance market starting at just 0.95% month on advances from £5,000. HFBS Bridging Solutions have been advancing short-term funds, via a limited panel of intermediaries, for over 15 years with complete authority on their lending. Simpler, quicker, cheaper.