Best Specialist Lender FRA18
01724 86 55 77
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Exit plans are really important to us here at Holme Finance Bridging Solutions (HFBS), which is why we will never push your client to borrow more than they need.

That’s called flexibility and we can do that because we have complete authority on our lending. No solicitor involvement, no minimum valuation, and entirely privately funded, no bank mandates, no fixed rules, no default rates

We are still the number one lender for a quick response. We pride ourselves on being very different, filling a niche in the market to complement your existing providers of short-term finance.

Amongst our genuine USP’s we continue to offer; no limit on bad credit, small loans, no age limits, no first mortgage consent required and no solicitors in most cases. And one major difference, if it is in a clients interests we will happily consider taking out an existing bridging loan. As we like to say, with HFBS everything is simpler, quicker, cheaper

However, it is also important to remember that this level of service will only come from an experienced bridging lender who can actually deliver. We have been advancing short-term funds, via a limited panel of intermediaries for over 40 years with complete authority on our lending – think it’s fair to say we have the experience.

Talk to us 01724 86 55 77 or email us