Terms & Conditions
The Introducer will, from time to time, introduce Borrowers to Holme Finance Bridging Solutions (HFBS) . HFBS will assess the application ,verify the credit status and provide the introducer with the indicative terms, proceeding on the introducers instruction.
The Introducer shall:
- Conduct its business fairly and responsibly and with the intention at all times to ensure the fair treatment of Borrowers;
- Comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements including, without limitation, the CCA, DPA and FSMA, and any codes of conduct and guidance issued by the Office of Fair Trading, the Information Commissioner, or the Financial Conduct Authority;
- Ensure that its staff and sales representatives (whether employed or engaged on a self-employed basis) are provided with adequate training, (evidenced with appropriate records) and that they are made aware of the contents of this Agreement and the obligations imposed on the Introducer under it;
- Comply with the terms and conditions for use of the website facilities or other services offered by HFBS as amended from time to time;
- Ensure that any Third Party Introducer complies with all of the obligations of the Introducer under this Agreement;
- Make known to HFBS the identity of any Third Party Introducer at the time an application in respect of a Financial Product is submitted ;
- Advise HFBS of any communication received by it from any regulatory body relating to the provisions of or operation of this Agreement or the business of the Introducer and to provide such assistance as HFBS may reasonably require to enable it to comply, from time to time with any of its legal or regulatory obligations.
The Introducer undertakes that it:
- Has, and will retain through the period of this Agreement all necessary registrations, licences, permissions, consents and approvals from any statutory or regulatory authority or body that it may require to enable the Introduction of Borrowers to HFBS in respect of Financial Products. The Introducer will produce to HFBS, on request, a copy of the latest version of any such licences, permissions, consents or approvals. The Introducer must immediately notify HFBS in writing if any such licence, permission, consent or approval is cancelled , withdrawn, expires is not renewed or is made subject to conditions that would or may prejudice the carrying out by the Introducer of any of the Introducers obligations to HFBS;
- Will have all necessary consents of each Borrower to disclose to HFBS Personal Data in relation to that Borrower and such consents as are sufficient to enable HFBS to disclose the Personal Data of Borrowers to Lenders.
- Will obtain the consent of the client for a credit search to be made by the introducing agent,any third party broker or a lender as is necessary in order to further the application.
The Introducer shall:
- Ensure that all of its marketing material, promotional literature, advertisements and websites are clear, fair and not misleading and comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements concerning the advertising of the services of the Introducer and the Financial Products;
- Not use the name of HFBS in any advertising material, including any website facilities, without HFBS’s s prior written consent, (all advertising undertaken by the Introducer will be at the Introducer’s expense unless otherwise agreed in writing by HFBS).
The Agreement
- This Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue thereafter unless and until terminated by either party giving to the other not less than one month’s prior notice in writing to that effect.
- HFBS carries out a pre-completion and post-completion monitoring system and will investigate fully any complaint of a Borrower in relation to any act or omission of the Introducer. If HFBS reasonably believes that the Introducer has committed a breach of this Agreement, has acted in such a way that may bring it or HFBS into disrepute, if it is or becomes unlawful for the Introducer to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, or if the Introducer becomes insolvent or makes any arrangement with its creditors, HFBS will be entitled to serve the Introducer with written notice that this Agreement is terminated forthwith.
- HFBS may serve the Introducer with written notice that this Agreement is terminated forthwith if the agreement that the Introducer has with any network of introducers of which the Introducer is a member, is terminated, for any reason.
- Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of either party pursuant to this Agreement which arise in relation to Financial Products completed before such termination.
In order to assist the Introducer in making referrals HFBS may from time to time issue the Introducer with a code or codes for use in making such referrals. In these cases the Introducer must use the appropriate code in relation to each referral that it makes.
Each party undertakes to the other to keep any information relating to this Agreement and the business and trading operations of that other confidential and not to disclose the same to any third party without the consent of that other during or at any time after termination of this Agreement. This confidentiality undertaking will not apply if any such information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure, comes into the public domain after disclosure through no breach of this Agreement, is lawfully in the other party’s possession at the time of disclosure and not acquired as a result of any breach of confidentiality in relation to it, or is required to be disclosed by law.
The introducer will be paid according to the prevailing commision terms as advised from time to time but always displayed prominently on the website.